I know you aren't used to seeing me over here on All Things Upper Elementary, but
it's really true! I get to come and visit today. :)
it's really true! I get to come and visit today. :)
Today is a huge day for me - it's the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I'm
not trying to rub it in, I'm just really really excited!
not trying to rub it in, I'm just really really excited!
I wanted to share some helpful "teacher" books that I've read before and I'm looking forward to reading again this summer. Then there are some that I've heard wonderful things about and they are in my cart at Amazon. Maybe you are in the same boat? No time to read during the school year, so the books are piled high for summer?
Yep! That's me.
First up - Daily 5 and CAFE by the Sisters. I enjoy a little refresher of Daily 5 each summer. It's a good reminder of what works in the classroom, before you tweak it to fit your own schedule. The big thing that I always take away from the book is how many options I have for it to work in my classroom. It's a guideline, not a strict program - but the outcomes are wonderful! Even in my 4th grade classroom, even with the different bunches of kids that I have worked with... Last year there was a book study going on, so I shared a lot of the different things I have done. Here is the link in case you are interested.
Now with CAFE - I'm going to admit that I messed up big time when I first read it. 3 Novembers ago I raced through Daily 5 in one night - stayed up until 3 am to read it, then I went out the next day and bought CAFE. In a matter of a week I was trying to implement both systems into my classroom. I was buying listening centers, book boxes, mp3 players, making binders, etc... and it got overwhelming trying to do too much change in a very little amount of time that I couldn't keep up with it all. So, then I stepped back and took time just to familiarize myself with Daily 5 - working with it, utilizing it - it's so different than our district curriculum of Open Court Reading. This past year I really got into the CAFE (though I changed it to FACE of a Reader). I love the aspects and I'm hopeful that next year I will be able to do so much more. It's about organizing the assessment data and tells you how to work with each child during conferences.
Want my "FACE of a Reader" student strategy list that goes along with the Sister's CAFE?
It's right here in a Google Doc. Not super cute, but totally functional.
Next would have to be The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller. Last summer I read the book for the first time, and after I got my head wrapped around all the ideas that she presents, I started feeling more comfortable with it. I love her ideas to increase student's love for reading. There were things that I had to adjust for my own class. Don't we all have to adjust...
This summer I'm excited to read Everyday Editing by Jeff Anderson. I know there are many things going around about Mentor Sentences, and I would really like to implement that into my classroom next year. My grade level teammate just finished the book and highly recommended it - she said it was an easy read that makes so much sense.
I'm also excited to read more about Whole Brain Teaching by Chris Biffle. Last summer I watched a ton of videos to learn the basics, but I'm interested to see the background behind it. Maybe it's just how I'm wired - needing to read about it in a book - but I'm hoping that it might make more sense to me.
Well - that's it. My guest post over at ATUE. :) It was nice talking to you today! Hopefully you saw some books that made you go Hmmm... :)
Feel free to visit me over at my blog, on Facebook, on Pinterest,
or see what I have to help you out in my TPT or TN stores!
or see what I have to help you out in my TPT or TN stores!