Hi, everyone! It's Blair from One Lesson at a Time. I've always been a lover of words. Reading them, writing them, putting them together, taking them apart....I just love words. So, teaching grammar has never been a chore for me - in fact, I love finding ways to make grammar fun for students! I've even been known to sneak a little grammar work into a math lesson. {Insert evil teacher laugh here.} You can click on the picture below to see more about how I incorporated parts of speech and sentence construction into a multiplication lesson:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Over the course of this school year, I've been working on a series of grammar packets that I am kind of in love with. :) They are aligned with Common Core standards for 3rd and 4th grade and go along with holidays/seasonal events throughout the year. I just finished my Easter grammar packet and I am going to give one away to an All Things Upper Elementary reader!
Here's a peek at what's inside:
-Student cover page
-Easter Adjectives
-Easter Traditions (Identifying Singular/Plural Nouns)
-Hunting for Prepositional Phrases!
-A Basket Full of Possessive Nouns
-Easter Around the World (Mixed Grammar Review/Parts of Speech)
-Decorating Abstract Noun Eggs
-Cracking Down on Plural Nouns
-Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
-A Collection of Collective Nouns
-Color by Code: Present and Past Tense Verbs
-Easter Scramble (Create Your Own Sentences)
-Answer Keys for ALL Pages
If you want to score your own copy, make sure to enter the Rafflecopter down below! There are a few different options for entries - choose one, or choose them all to increase your odds. The Rafflecopter will be open until Thursday at midnight.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today! Until next time...